Armory was able to put lots of things into layman’s terms for me; they did a lot of explaining as to what we’re actually building in our new facility here in ways I can understand, which is pretty important.
As a CFO, you want to know what you’re buying. And while I trust everyone who tells me that we need this and we need that, if I don’t understand why we need it and what we’re getting, I tend to say no more than I say yes.
What Armory has done is they’re made it very simple to understand what we’re building here with Sixth Sense, our internal production and post facility. And on top of that they’ve communicated every step of the way on progress, on issues, on changes of direction. I never felt I was left in the dark. From an overall vendor or consultant relationship between us and them, the communication has been fantastic.
They’ve gone over the entire process. Working with them has almost been like having a crash course in production and post production.
Their experience is key, along with the fact that they’ve done this before at JWTwo. Obviously, the technology has changed significantly since then, but Armory has demonstrated that they understand where the business is going and where technology is headed. They’ve built a facility here that, when people look at it they go, ‘Holy crap, you guys were able to do this?’ And when you get that reaction, it makes you feel that it was money well spent.
This project’s been ongoing for over sixteen months, since its inception back in December of 2011. And they’ve communicated every step of the way. I’ve always known what was going on and how things were progressing, where the risks were, where we were in terms of schedule and where we were in terms of cost. They were very transparent at the beginning, saying that what their budget might change because costs for some items could go down, and as a CFO that’s a great thing to hear.
The relationship from a communications standpoint has been, like I said, fantastic. If you’re going to hire a vendor or a consultant, you want that to be first and foremost. And that’s what they were able to demonstrate that throughout this project. It’s why I’d recommend them. They’re great communicators and they get the job done, as I’ve seen firsthand.